health & Life coaching



what is coaching?

We all get stuck sometimes. It may be in our health, career, relationships, in our ability to find joy, or in creating community. We all struggle to make change by ourselves, and that’s what I’m here to assist you with. Big or small change - we can all benefit from coaching.

My name is Anthea, and I am a HCI certified Health & Life Coach. My goal is to assist you in navigating purposeful change. Often, it’s hard to find a place to start - and I’m here to provide you with care and guidance through individualized support, identity exploration, and accountability.

Lasting change happens when we are able to set healthy boundaries, transform the inner story we’ve been telling ourselves, and communicate clearly to others. We all deserve the opportunity to live an honest and empowered life.


“I just completed my first 90-days/12 sessions with Anthea, and it was amazing! I went into it knowing I needed to make changes in my life, but wasn't quite sure where or how to start. She helped me figure out not only what direction I want to move in health/career-wise, but also provided helpful and manageable steps on how to get there. She was attentive, supportive, and flexible throughout our entire time together.

In the last 90 days, I’ve made more positive life changes than I had in over five years - all because of Anthea! I can't wait to start my next 90-days/12 session round with her, and am looking forward to continuing to build a more confident and stable future.”

— Lauren