Hi, I’m anthea gundersen.

I was born and raised in Olympia WA, moved to Seattle for college - and it’s been my home ever since!

Besides being an ICF Certified Coach, I have a degree in Psychology, and spent 6 years caring for and supporting the staff at Canlis restaurant in Seattle as their Human Resources Manager. Through my own journey of recovery and personal growth - I have found my passion in coaching others to live an honest and empowered life. It is a freedom and love of life that I never dreamed of before.

I specialize in diving deep into why we do what we do - what story have we been telling ourselves that has unknowingly shaped our lives and motivations without us even knowing it. Change happens at our roots, so let’s get into it!

I have always been passionate about psychology, understanding how someone’s story creates and informs their future, and how lasting change can be possible. However, it wasn’t until 2023 that I fully dove into pursuing a career that was in line with my calling and life purpose. I had just emerged from a period of working through years of unhealthy coping mechanisms, addiction, and codepency. Only through the support of therapists, 12-step recovery groups, community, and life coach mentors was I able to finally turn a corner and let the sunshine fill my body with warmth. I had found home within myself, but not by myself.

I have chosen to spend my life offering the same life-changing growth and fulfillment to others who are ready to open the doors to some big change - and a brighter future.
